日時:2023年6月18日(日)13:00~19:00 ※予定場所:中央大学(MBA)駿河台キャンパスYouTube LIVE配信ありhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCWfc9TutHE
------▼MBA Case Competition JAPAN 2023: Final Round!
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2023, 13:00-19:00 *TentativePlace: Chuo University (MBA) Surugadai CampusYouTube LIVE streaming available: *URL to be announced as soon as it is determined.
▼The hot competition is about to begin!The Japan Federation of MBAs will hold the MBA Cup 2023, a business plan contest in which participating teams compete by proposing their own business plans based on the issues identified in the cases specified in the competition rules.
▼The final round of the Business Plan Contest will be held on Sunday, June 18.This year, approximately 30 teams, including both domestic and international teams, entered the contest. After rigorous screening and selection, the teams will compete in the finals. In addition to the "winner," a "special prize" will be awarded at the finals. Please come and watch the teams compete!
*This is currently under review.
■本選審査員 ※予定モンゴル交通開発銀行東京駐在員事務所所長 内田 肇 氏
株式会社NOPAT代表取締役社長 久保勇太 氏
アルファ・グローバル インベストメント・パートナーズ代表取締役社長 ホスジャルガル 氏
中央大学 国際経営学部教授 野間口 隆郎 氏
中央大学ビジネススクール(大学院戦略経営研究科)教授(研究科長) 露木 恵美子 氏
中央大学ビジネススクール(大学院戦略経営研究科)教授 新藤 晴臣 氏
■Final Round Jury *Tentative
Transport & Development Bank of Mongolia, Tokyo Representative OfficeChief Representative: Mr. Hajime Uchida
Nopat Inc.CEO: Mr. Yuta Kubo
International Practice-Development-Agent AssociationCEO: Mr. Tsukasa Era
Alpha Global Investment Partners, Inc.CEO: Mr. Baatarkhuu Khosjargal
Faculty of Global Management, Chuo UniversityProfessor: Dr. Takao Nomakuchi
Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management, Chuo UniversityProfessor: Dr. Emiko Tsuyuki
Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management, Chuo UniversityProfessor: Dr. Haruomi Shindo